Situated on the right bank of the holy river Sipra, the eternal city Ujjaiyini has been narrated as the naval center (Manipura lotus) of the cultural identity of Indian nation. It ranks among those seven ancient Puris of India which are regarded as the bestower of deliverance (moksa). The meridian of the ancient world named Yamottara was supposed to pass through place. It has been severally named in ancient texts. Some such names being Avantika, Ujjain, Pratikalpa, Kanakasrnga, Amaravati, Shivapuri, Chudamani, Kumudvati etc. The poet-laureat Kalidasa has called it the great Visala while the ancient solo-dramas (Bhanas) narrate it as cosmopolitan (Sarvabhauma) city. Saints, seers and scientists viz., Sandipani, Mahakatyayana, Bhasa, Bharttrhari, Nine gems in the court of king Vikramaditya including Kalidasa, Amarasimha-Varahamihira etc., Paramartha, Sudraka, Banabhatta, Mayura, Rajasekhara, Puspadanta, Harisena, Samkaracharya, Vallabhacharya, Jadrupa etc, had been closely inter-related with Ujjain. It has been elevated by the exclusive affinity of great political personalities such as Krsna-Balarama, Chanda Pradyota, Udayana- the king of Vatsa, Mauryan governor Asoka, emperor Samprati, warrior king Vikramaditya, Mahaksatrapa Chastana and Rudradaman, Paramara rulers Munjaraja-Bhojadeva and Udayaditya, Mughal governor Sawai Jaya Simha- king of Amer, Mahadaji Scindhia etc. Ujjain had been the resting-abode of Mughal emperors Akbar, Jahangir and Shahjahan. Avantika has been the city of many Tirthas, where pilgrims take bath, grant endowments for religious purposes, and offer tarpan to and perform sraddha for the departed ancestors. Such Tirthas have been situated of the banks of the Sipra and its tributaries, Sapta Sagaras (seven lakes), Tadagas (tanks), Kundas and Vapis (wells). A series of large-sized and picturesque ghats are situated on these Tirthas, prominent being Triveni, Gau, Nrismha, Pisachamochana, Harihara, Kedara, Prayaga, Okhara, Bhairava, Ganga, Mandakini, Siddha Tirthas. At the interval of every twelve years, lakhs of Sadhus and pilgrims take bath here on the pious occasion of the Simhastha Parva. Though the whole of India is a cultural nation, still the most worth-mentioning religious sites are the four Dhamas viz., Badari-Kedara in the North, Puri in the East, Ramesvara in the South and Dwarika in the West, the main deities being Badri-Visala, Jagannatha, Ramesvara and Lord Krsna. In the center of all these Dhamas is Avantika which in mini-form represents a religious India, Ksetrapalas Darduresvara in the North, Pingalesvara in the East, Kayavarohanesvara in the South and Bilvesvara in the West. The Chief Deity is Ksetradhipati Mahakalesvara, not only of the Avanti Ksetra but of the whole cultural India. Ujjainyini was situated in one Shree Mahakala Vana (forest) in ancient period. The much-famed Avanti Ksetra was a part of it. Avanti Khanda of the Skanda Purana tells that several seers, sages, gods and goddesses, Yaksas, Kinnaras etc. practiced tapas in this Vana in ancient times. It had been this vana where Lord Siva exhibited several super-natural deeds by his divine power, thus justifying His Mahadeva name. Thousands of Siva lingas existed and were worshipped in this Vana, In this Ksetra, Shree Mahakala, after beheading Brahma and crushing His kapala (fore head) performed the penance, Shree Mahakala Vana and Avantika both have been very beloved to the Lord. Hence, he is the eternal conscious body of this Ksetra, Due to this fact, Avantika is regarded as super most among all the Tirthas. It had been this Shree Mahakala Vana where Lord Visnu, on the request of Brahma, seated on the Asana of the Kusha grass for the welfare of all the beings, Therefore, this town was also known as Kusasthali. Needless to mention that this territory had been very favourite to the Divine Trinity-Brahma, Visnu and Mahesha. So for as the name Ujjayini is concerned, the Puranic legends tell that one Tripura demon, being blessed by Brahma, turned very cruel and tyrannical towards the gods and their followers. Ultimately, all the celestial powers requested Lord Siva to protect them from the evil deeds of Tripura. Lord Siva worshipped the goddess Raktadantika and after pleasing her received the great weapon Mahapasupatastra, by the strike of which the demon was killed. As a result of this Vijaya (victory) the town became popular as Ujjaiyini or Ujjain. According to Matsya Purana, the demon Andhaka was also killed by Lord Siva in this Shree Mahakala Vana. It also had been the territory where the eminent devotee Prahlada attained abhaya (fearlessness) from Lord Visnu and Lord Siva. As a result of the victory of Lord Siva over the demons, the gateways and spires of the palaces were decorated with gold-plates, due to which Ujjaiyini was also called Kanakasrnga i.e. the town of gold-spires. As time rolled on, the area of this Vana narrowed down due to the rapid development and expansion of the township. According to the narration of Kalidasa, there existed only an upavana (small forest) surrounding the Shree Mahakala temple which was cooled by the breezes of the river Gandhavati, a tributary of the Sipra, What a fate ? Now that upavana has also lost its existence.

Main places to visit in Ujjain


Shree Mahakaleshwar

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Shree Mahakaleshwar of Ujjayan is known among the twelve celebrated Jyotirlingas in India. the glory of Shree Mahakaleshwar Temple has been vividly described in various Puranas Starting with Kalidas, many Snaskrit poets have tradition of Shree Mahakala in the minds of the people is eternal. Ujjain used to be the centre-point for the calculation of Indian time and Shree Mahakala was considered as the distinctive presiding deity of Ujjain. This Temple has been timeously renovated through successive historical epochs-Shung, Kushna, Satavahana, Gupta, Parihar, Paramara nad comparatively modern period of Marathas. Reconstruction of the present temple structure was done at the intance of Ramchandra Baba Shenvi, a Subedar of Malwa under Ranoji Scindia. Renovation and carving better facilities in the temple have regularly been looked after in the contemporary period also. The idol of Shree Mahakaleshwar is known to be dakshina-murti or south faced. The unique distinction of dakshina-murti worship, upnel in the tantric tradition is realised only in Shree Mahakaleshwar among the twelve Jyotirling of India. Like the Shree Mahakala Shreene installed in the upper sanctum of Omkareshwar Temple, the idol of Omkareshwar Shiva is consecrated in the upper sanctum of this temple. Nagachandreshwar image on the this storey is opened for darshan on Nagpanchmi day only. Shree Mahakala worship by Vikramaditya and Bhoja is well-known buth the temple has continued to receive Royal grants for its puja-expenses even in the Mougal period. Presently this temple is under the management of Shree Mahakala Mandir Samiti

Shaivite form worship has assgned importance to the aderation of bight Bhairavas also. Kala Bhairavas is the forenio among them. Skanda-purana has made a mention of the temple of Kala Bhairavas in it Avanti-khanda. According to some antique tradition, the follower of Kapalika and Aghora seets used to worship Shiva or Bhairava. Ujjain was also connected with the pattern of worship developed by these seets. People offer even liquor, as a part of their worship, to Kala Bhairava. It is said that a certain king named Bhadrass got this temple constructed. This must have been a great temple during Paramar period. Paramar period images of Shiva, Parvati,Vishnu and Ganesh have been recovered from this place. The temple has usually been rebuilt with the remains of the old temple. Beautiful paintings of Malwa-style once decorated the temple walls. the temple to in right of the courtyard is dedicated to Vittal and to the left it is a Dharmashala.


ShreeKala Bhairava

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Harasiddhi Maa

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Harasiddhi Maa Temple is one of the main temples of Ujjaini. Seated between Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati, then of Annapurna is painted with dark yellow colour. Shree-yantra is also enShreened importance temple. According to Shiva-purana, when Shiv carried away the burning body of Sati the sacrificial fire of Daksh Prajapati. elbow dropped at this spot. Tantrik tradition holds this seat as a siddha-pitha. According to Skanda-purna the name Hara-siddhi go currency for the personal achievement of the goddess in vanquishing the demons. The folk tradition holds Harasiddhi Maa as the worshipping dicty of the King Vikramaditya. the temple was reconstructed in theMaratha period and the two lamp-pillars in the courtyard specially represent the Maratha art. There is a pretty old well in the courtyard and the small temple, by its side houses the idol of Mahamaya.

Vedh Shala (observatory) was constructed by Savai Raja Jayasingh between 170734-25 to 1730 A.D. Similar observatories were constructed by Raja Jayasingh at four other places-Delhi, Jaipur, Mathura and Varanasi. Samrat yantra, Nadivalaya yantra, Digansha yantra and Yamyottara-Bhitti yantra and the main instruments constructed in this observatory. Motions and orbits of the panel are studied through these instruments. On this count people call it Yantra-Mahal also. This observatory was renovated by Madhav Rao Scindia the then Maharaja of earstwhile Gwalior State in 1923 A.D. Astronomied studies of planetary motions are still conducted in this observatory under the department of education and an ephemeris in published every year. In this way this is the only observatory among the observatories of Jayasingh where these masonic instruments are even today utilised for astronomical studies.This


Vedh Shala

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Sandipani Asrama

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According to the puranie traditional Yogeshwar Krishna and his friend Sudama received regular instruction in the asrama of Kulaguru Sandipani. Besides Mahabharat Puranas, Shreemad Bhagavata, Brahma, Agni and Brahmavaivarta bear references to Sandipani Asrama. Archacological evidences of three thousand years old painted-grey-wall have been recovered from this area. These bear a resemblance to the similar remains recovered at Hastinapur, Indraprastha, Mathura, Ahichchhatra and Kaushambi. Gomati-kunda is the old source of water supply to the asrama and the same has been referred to in the Puranas also. The image of standing Nandi, near the tank, is worth seeing and its belongs to the Shunga period. The are near by is known as Ankapata Popul ar sales describe the place as used by Lord krishna for washing his writing tablet. In the beginning of the Sixteenth century Shree Vallabhacharya delivered his religious discourses in the vicinity of this ashram. There is a Peepal-tree planted by the Acharya which is testified by a letter of degree granted to one Narottam Sharma. The followers of the Vallabha seet count this place as the Seventythird Seat of their Acharya while he is said to have made Eightyfour sittings for religious discourses throughout India.

The Present sanetam of Chitaman Ganesh is very old. Riddhi and Siddhi the two goddeses are enShreened on both the sides the idol of Ganesh. Traditionally this is known as the seat of Chintaman Ganesh (assurer of freedom from worldly anxieties and people assemble here in large number offer their prayers on Wednesdays in the month of Chaitra. Artistic pillars in the assembly hall of the temple belong to the Paramar period. The temple was renovated by Ahalyadevi Holker with the addtion of a water tank and the boundary-wall.


Chintaman Ganesh

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Triveni Navagraha

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Present temple of Navagraha the nine planet on the Triveni ghat of Shipra is a prominent cemtre of attraction for the pilgrims. There ia aconfluance of Khan river near Triveni ghat on the Shipra. The river is called Banaganga at nearby Indore. Some people named this river as Tungabhadra. Mythological sanctity of the invisible river saraswati associated eith the story of Triveni Sangam is attributed to this place also. Large crowds throng the Navagraha temple on the new moon falling on Saturdays. Religious importance of this contemporary life although there is hardly any reference to this place in the ancient texts.

According to Matsy-purana this is celebrate as the birth place of Mars. The Mangalagrah. Shipra river presents a beautiful vice in front of the temple. Devoteed specially visit the temple in large number on Tuseday. Located on a hillock the place represents the highest point in the area. In ancient times the place was famous for a clear view of Mars. Ujjain was an important centre for astronomical studeies. This place-traditionally knows for its suitability for astronomical readings of Mars continues to hold it’s religious importance. Image of Mahadeva offered worship in this temple.



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Siddhavata at Ujjain is as well-known for its sanctity as Akshayavata of Prayag. Vamshivata of Vrindavan and Panchavati of Nasik. Post-Funeral rites are performed here at the Siddhavata ghat of holy Shipra. Skanda-purana has referred to this place as preta-shila-tirth. According to same opinion. Parvati performed her penances here. This has also been a place of worship for the followers of Natha-seat. Shipra abounds with tortoises as Siddhavata Old coins of Ujjain asr found to bear the imprint of tortoises along woth river. This is also an indicative of the fact that the tortoises must have flourished here even in an ancient period. It is so said that this Banian tree was once sought to be vanished by cutting if off and covering it with iron sheets but its offshoots piereed through the iron sheets and this tree regained its foliation.

Bayjabai Shinde, the queen of Maharaja Daulat Rao Shinde, got this temple, dedicated to Gopala-Krishna, the deity of her devotion constructed in the Nineteenth century. This temple is a beautiful esample of the Maratha art of architecture. Besides the image of Gopala-Krishna the images of Shiva-Pavrvati Garuda and Bayjabai are also installed in the inner sahctum of the temple. Decorated silver door of the inner sahctum of this temple is worthy of special attention. This door, it is said, was carried away to Ghazni from the famous Somnath temple. Mohammedshah Adbadli carried it from there to Lahore. Mahadji Scindia recovered it and the same has been reinstalled in this temple.


Gopala Mandir

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Shree Mahakaleshwar of Ujjayan is known among the twelve celebrated Jyotirlingas in India. the glory of Shree Mahakaleshwar Temple has been vividly described in various Puranas Starting with Kalidas, many Snaskrit poets have tradition of Shree Mahakala in the minds of the people is eternal. Ujjain used to be the centre-point for the calculation of Indian time and Shree Mahakala was considered as the distinctive presiding deity of Ujjain. This Temple has been timeously renovated through successive historical epochs-Shung, Kushna, Satavahana, Gupta, Parihar, Paramara nad comparatively modern period of Marathas. Reconstruction of the present temple structure was done at the intance of Ramchandra Baba Shenvi, a Subedar of Malwa under Ranoji Scindia. Renovation and carving better facilities in the temple have regularly been looked after in the contemporary period also. The idol of Shree Mahakaleshwar is known to be dakshina-murti or south faced. The unique distinction of dakshina-murti worship, upnel in the tantric tradition is realised only in Shree Mahakaleshwar among the twelve Jyotirling of India. Like the Shree Mahakala Shreene installed in the upper sanctum of Omkareshwar Temple, the idol of Omkareshwar Shiva is consecrated in the upper sanctum of this temple. Nagachandreshwar image on the this storey is opened for darshan on Nagpanchmi day only. Shree Mahakala worship by Vikramaditya and Bhoja is well-known buth the temple has continued to receive Royal grants for its puja-expenses even in the Mougal period. Presently this temple is under the management of Shree Mahakala Mandir Samiti


Shree Mahakaleshwar

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Shaivite form worship has assgned importance to the aderation of bight Bhairavas also. Kala Bhairavas is the forenio among them. Skanda-purana has made a mention of the temple of Kala Bhairavas in it Avanti-khanda. According to some antique tradition, the follower of Kapalika and Aghora seets used to worship Shiva or Bhairava. Ujjain was also connected with the pattern of worship developed by these seets. People offer even liquor, as a part of their worship, to Kala Bhairava. It is said that a certain king named Bhadrass got this temple constructed. This must have been a great temple during Paramar period. Paramar period images of Shiva, Parvati,Vishnu and Ganesh have been recovered from this place. The temple has usually been rebuilt with the remains of the old temple. Beautiful paintings of Malwa-style once decorated the temple walls. the temple to in right of the courtyard is dedicated to Vittal and to the left it is a Dharmashala.


ShreeKala Bhairava

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Harasiddhi Maa Temple is one of the main temples of Ujjaini. Seated between Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati, then of Annapurna is painted with dark yellow colour. Shree-yantra is also enShreened importance temple. According to Shiva-purana, when Shiv carried away the burning body of Sati the sacrificial fire of Daksh Prajapati. elbow dropped at this spot. Tantrik tradition holds this seat as a siddha-pitha. According to Skanda-purna the name Hara-siddhi go currency for the personal achievement of the goddess in vanquishing the demons. The folk tradition holds Harasiddhi Maa as the worshipping dicty of the King Vikramaditya. the temple was reconstructed in theMaratha period and the two lamp-pillars in the courtyard specially represent the Maratha art. There is a pretty old well in the courtyard and the small temple, by its side houses the idol of Mahamaya.


Harasiddhi Maa

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Vedh Shala (observatory) was constructed by Savai Raja Jayasingh between 170734-25 to 1730 A.D. Similar observatories were constructed by Raja Jayasingh at four other places-Delhi, Jaipur, Mathura and Varanasi. Samrat yantra, Nadivalaya yantra, Digansha yantra and Yamyottara-Bhitti yantra and the main instruments constructed in this observatory. Motions and orbits of the panel are studied through these instruments. On this count people call it Yantra-Mahal also. This observatory was renovated by Madhav Rao Scindia the then Maharaja of earstwhile Gwalior State in 1923 A.D. Astronomied studies of planetary motions are still conducted in this observatory under the department of education and an ephemeris in published every year. In this way this is the only observatory among the observatories of Jayasingh where these masonic instruments are even today utilised for astronomical studies.This


Vedh Shala

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According to the puranie traditional Yogeshwar Krishna and his friend Sudama received regular instruction in the asrama of Kulaguru Sandipani. Besides Mahabharat Puranas, Shreemad Bhagavata, Brahma, Agni and Brahmavaivarta bear references to Sandipani Asrama. Archacological evidences of three thousand years old painted-grey-wall have been recovered from this area. These bear a resemblance to the similar remains recovered at Hastinapur, Indraprastha, Mathura, Ahichchhatra and Kaushambi. Gomati-kunda is the old source of water supply to the asrama and the same has been referred to in the Puranas also. The image of standing Nandi, near the tank, is worth seeing and its belongs to the Shunga period. The are near by is known as Ankapata Popul ar sales describe the place as used by Lord krishna for washing his writing tablet. In the beginning of the Sixteenth century Shree Vallabhacharya delivered his religious discourses in the vicinity of this ashram. There is a Peepal-tree planted by the Acharya which is testified by a letter of degree granted to one Narottam Sharma. The followers of the Vallabha seet count this place as the Seventythird Seat of their Acharya while he is said to have made Eightyfour sittings for religious discourses throughout India.


Sandipani Asrama

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The Present sanetam of Chitaman Ganesh is very old. Riddhi and Siddhi the two goddeses are enShreened on both the sides the idol of Ganesh. Traditionally this is known as the seat of Chintaman Ganesh (assurer of freedom from worldly anxieties and people assemble here in large number offer their prayers on Wednesdays in the month of Chaitra. Artistic pillars in the assembly hall of the temple belong to the Paramar period. The temple was renovated by Ahalyadevi Holker with the addtion of a water tank and the boundary-wall.


Chintaman Ganesh

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Present temple of Navagraha the nine planet on the Triveni ghat of Shipra is a prominent cemtre of attraction for the pilgrims. There ia aconfluance of Khan river near Triveni ghat on the Shipra. The river is called Banaganga at nearby Indore. Some people named this river as Tungabhadra. Mythological sanctity of the invisible river saraswati associated eith the story of Triveni Sangam is attributed to this place also. Large crowds throng the Navagraha temple on the new moon falling on Saturdays. Religious importance of this contemporary life although there is hardly any reference to this place in the ancient texts.


Triveni Navagraha

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According to Matsy-purana this is celebrate as the birth place of Mars. The Mangalagrah. Shipra river presents a beautiful vice in front of the temple. Devoteed specially visit the temple in large number on Tuseday. Located on a hillock the place represents the highest point in the area. In ancient times the place was famous for a clear view of Mars. Ujjain was an important centre for astronomical studeies. This place-traditionally knows for its suitability for astronomical readings of Mars continues to hold it’s religious importance. Image of Mahadeva offered worship in this temple.



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Siddhavata at Ujjain is as well-known for its sanctity as Akshayavata of Prayag. Vamshivata of Vrindavan and Panchavati of Nasik. Post-Funeral rites are performed here at the Siddhavata ghat of holy Shipra. Skanda-purana has referred to this place as preta-shila-tirth. According to same opinion. Parvati performed her penances here. This has also been a place of worship for the followers of Natha-seat. Shipra abounds with tortoises as Siddhavata Old coins of Ujjain asr found to bear the imprint of tortoises along woth river. This is also an indicative of the fact that the tortoises must have flourished here even in an ancient period. It is so said that this Banian tree was once sought to be vanished by cutting if off and covering it with iron sheets but its offshoots piereed through the iron sheets and this tree regained its foliation.



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Bayjabai Shinde, the queen of Maharaja Daulat Rao Shinde, got this temple, dedicated to Gopala-Krishna, the deity of her devotion constructed in the Nineteenth century. This temple is a beautiful esample of the Maratha art of architecture. Besides the image of Gopala-Krishna the images of Shiva-Pavrvati Garuda and Bayjabai are also installed in the inner sahctum of the temple. Decorated silver door of the inner sahctum of this temple is worthy of special attention. This door, it is said, was carried away to Ghazni from the famous Somnath temple. Mohammedshah Adbadli carried it from there to Lahore. Mahadji Scindia recovered it and the same has been reinstalled in this temple.


Gopala Mandir

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1 Airway: Nearest airport is Indore (53 K.m.). Flights arriving from Mumbai, Delhi, Ahmedabad, Gwalior.

2 Railway: Ujjain is directly connected by railway line to Ahmedabad, Rajkot, Mumbai, Fouzabad, Lucknow,Dehradun, Delhi, Banaras, Kochin, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Howrah and many more.

2 Railway: Ujjain is directly connected by railway line to Ahmedabad, Rajkot, Mumbai, Fouzabad, Lucknow,Dehradun, Delhi, Banaras, Kochin, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Howrah and many more.

Hotels and Rest Houses in Ujjain

Rest House (L. N. V.) 0734-2516505 Sheetal Rest House, Gaughat 0734-2551576
Rest House Forest Dept. 0734-2521210 Alakhadham Dharmshala,Friganj 0734-2561194
Guest House Tilhan 0734-2560605 Anis Villa, Devas Road 0734-2514222
Guest House M.P.V.M. 0734-2551483 Agrasen Parisar, Ramghat 0734-2555316
Guest House L.S.Y. 0734-2551576 Kelakar Parisar, Bahadurghanj 0734-2554194
Yatrika Hotel 0734-2551139 Mahaveer Jain Dharmshala, Navipeth
Hotel Surya 0734-2560747 Hotel Kabir 0734-2559161
Hotel Ajay 0734-2550856 Chaturvedi Dharmshala, Bhagasipura 0734-2561580
Hotel Ayodhya 0734-2551102 Hotel Vikram 0734-2562220
Hotel Atlas 0734-2560473 Darji's Dharmshala, Brahmangali -
Grand Hotel 0734-2560942 Hotel Shreemaya 0734-2515362
Hotel Ramkrishna 0734-2557012 Jain Dharmashala, Doodh Talai 0734-2555227
Shipra Hotel 0734-2551495
Agrawal Panchayat Dharmashala, Golamandi 0734-2554716
Gujrati Samaj Dharmshala, Nankheda 0734-2510783 Gujrati Samaj Dharmshala, Nankheda 0734-2553511
Digambar Jain Dharmshala,Namakmandi 0734-2557746 Gujrati Samaj Dharmshala, Navi Sadak 0734-2550683
Dhadak Samaj Dharmshala, Anantpet 0734-2554229 Jaisawal Dharmshala, Nikas Chowk 0734-2550459
Shreeji Lodge 0734-2561335
Bombaywalas Dharmashala, Ramghat Road. 0734-2554015
Madhuri Hall, Teenbatti Chowk, Madhav Club Road 0734-2514675 Meda Kshatriya Samaj Swarnakar Dharmshala, Dhaba Road
Mahakaal Dharmshala Pravachan Hall, Harsiddhi 0734-2551714 Mewada Kalal Hehya Kshatriya Samaj Malavi 21, Narayanpura 0734-2557838
Panch Oswal Badesaath Dharmshala, Nayapura 0734-2557838 Parasram Puriya Dharmshala,Kotwali Road 0734-2554363
Patidar Kadva Kulmi Samaj Dharmshala, Kushalpura 0734-2561137 Parinaya Mangal Parisar Ankpat Marg Nikas 0734-2550459
Meena Samaj Dharmshala, Kajipur 0734-2558612 Rajput Dharmashala, Anantpet 0734-2552327
Sankhyaraje Dharmshala Station Road 0734-2552327 Shreeram Dharmshala, Station Road 0734-2552385
Shree Dashanima Panchayati Dharmshala, Ksheersagar 0734-2557586 Sreeram Mandir Dharmshala, 24 Kambha Marg 0734-2551396
Scindhi Sakkar Panchayat Dharmshala, Bhagasipurabel 0734-2553073 Shree Sainath Dharmshala Magalik Bhavan, Rajendranagar 0734-2513832
Faganiya Mangalik Bhavan, Amarsinhamarg 0734-2514803 Gokul Hall, Opp. Control Room 0734-2559963
Yadav Dharmshala, Mahakaal Ground 0734-2550734-2511 Vidhyanagar Community Hall, Vidhyanagar 0734-2515719